Antibodies | Assay Kits | Biology Cells | cDNA | Clia Kits | Culture Cells | Devices | DNA | DNA Templates | DNA Testing | Elisa Kits | Enzymes | Equipments | Exosomes | Gels | Isotypes | Medium & Serums | NATtrol | Panel | Particles | PCR | Pcr Kits | Peptides | Reagents | Recombinant Proteins | Ria Kits | RNA | Test Kits | Uncategorized | Vector & Virus | Western Blot
Comparison of backbone dynamics of the p50 dimerization domain of NFκB in the homodimeric transcription factor NFκB1 and in its heterodimeric complex with RelA (p65).
Nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells (NF) transcription factor plays an important role in the human…
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